

1 in stock

This is a painting of a mokuy (spirit) from the Dhuwa moiety. Djuwaḻpaḏa is its name. The mokuy lives in a cave on our country but nobody has ever seen it before. It travelled everywhere that spirit singing and sharing songlines. It is really important for us Wägilak people because we use these songs for ceremony and funerals. It has tools that it carries with it on its travels (dilly bag, wumera, spear, clapsticks). Sometimes it travels with a waṯu (dog), the dog followed it everywhere. It is a spirit dog and it’s much bigger than a normal one, more like the size of a calf.

In the olden days they used to only paint on bark with 3 colours, but I like to use bright colours. – Wally Wilfred

Cat No. :
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Size :
56 x 76cm
Status :
In stock